Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I tried something new yesterday. Geocaching, it's treasure hunting except more complicated. Usually you'd need to use a GPS device, but personally I don't have one. I did it anyway, and it worked. Since I don't have a GPS device I had to rely on the written clues and the Google map on the website. This website And geocaching Even with the map and clues, it wasn't the easiest but I did it! This was the first one I found, a camo style painted peanut butter container. People go all out in preparing these things, painting them going out and buying things to put in them. This one in particular had a disposible camera, a log book where the visitors can log their visits to the cache as well as several "Trade Items". The log is really the only essential item to any cache, but the trade items are interesting, they can be really anything, for example stickers, bouncy balls, bandages or even dice. They actually come in all different sizes, not only bigger ones like the peanut butter jar, but smaller ones about the size of film canisters. Geocaching isn't just limited to big cities, or just the US, I know this because I now live in a small community of approx. 4500 in Canada, and geocaches can be found all over the place. Even the choice in hiding places are interesting and unique. In my finds so far, base of a tree, hidden in a monument, hanging from a tree, and even in an air vent. Geocaching is an awesome way to get outdoors and explore your community. Even if you are on vacatiion and want something to do, geocaching might be a good idea. It gets you out of your house, or hotel room and you get to explore and find "treasure". It's something I want to do more of, and even get other people to do it with me.

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