Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let's talk about Twitter.

Despite this title I am not talking about twitter, well, not only twitter but communication in general, but mainly online communication.

Well actually I am talking about Twitter, but to a lesser extent YouTube comments and Tumblr replies. 

Nope. Thinking about it, like honestly putting thought into it. My issue is communicating with the opposite sex both on and offline(Mainly Online). I don't do it well or often,  and when I do i am over thinking, censoring, and often thinking more about what not to say rather than what to say. Now I know that this is probably common. My main issue is that I am not sure where the line is. You know that line, where on one side is creepy and the other side is everything else. This has resulted in me saying or typing things that do not properly convey my point with the after effect being misconceptions, misunderstandings and embarrassing moments.This is even more so on the internet with its less than admirable ability to convey tone. And because the line is never, and I mean NEVER the same. Not to mention what this has done to my non-existent love life. (But my love life has greater issues than this).  This point is even more exaggerated if I find the female in question attractive. I actually do find it a bit sad that I have problems talking to women, not surprising but sad. It makes sense though, no one has taught me, you don't learn it in school and with  this already in place figuring it out on my own is not easy. Now there is the option of you know asking the parents, which would not be pleasant. Imagine if you will me a 22 year old going to her mom telling her that he has issues talking to females. Not that I think she'd be overly surprised she once told me that she has never expected me to date much and that if I do it will be with the intentions of marriage one day. But anyways that conversation would end up being embarrassing, awkward and she'd probably pass me off to someone else or laugh at me or both. And if I went to my father the opening to the conversation would go like this "I know we have never actually spoken, or had a real conversation but I have a problem talking to women, I blame you, now you have to help me." So I am not breaking 22 years of silence just so I can get advice about girls from a guy who habitually just isn't there. 

Now I am feeling down because I am also thinking that girls probably don't want to talk to me due to me not being all that physically appealing or inviting. 

Post script: The paragraph breaks are me not editing myself in this post.

Post post script: This blog post was originally supposed to be me showing you Telegraph Cove through my eyes. Next Time.

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